martes, 15 de marzo de 2005

Política Vasca / Euskaldun Politika / Basque Politics

In Spanish

Once the basque autonomic elections have been held, and in the middle of political negotiations to see from what party will come up the next president, i asked to myself a fundamental question to settle the complex basque situation: how to solve the nationalistic problematic?
For those who are not aware of this, in the Basque Country there exists a quite strong nationalistic tendency wich pleads for the independece from the spanish country. The actin basque president, Ibarretxe chose for initiate an unilateral process in orderto set a referendum for the citizens living in that autonomous region.
But, i wonder, why so much effort, when the independence can be achieved at such a small cost as 500 euros?*Your indepence costs only 500 euros
(a sign found in the northern plateau... where people don't know how to make politics complicate)

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